“So plant your own gardens and decorate your own soul, instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.”

— Jorge Luis Borges, quoted from Ness Labs

Hi! This is a my Zettelkästen/Digital Garden 🌱

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  • Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics
  • CSLewis
  • David Brooks - How to know a person
  • VaclavSmil2022HowTheWorldReallyWorks
  • GuidoTonelli2021Gênesis
  • Francis Wolff - Il n'y a pas d'amour parfait
  • Galileu
  • CriticalThinking
  • Holmes2009TheAgeOfWonder
  • Albert Camus - L'Étranger
  • Violencia Rio de Janeiro
  • Kierkegaard
  • DanielKahneman
  • Einstein
  • Sartre1946ExistentialismIsAHumanism
  • Epicuro
  • Umberto Eco
  • Simone Weil
  • How to Think Like a Roman Emperor
  • BookAWSServerless
  • Node.js
  • Nietzche
  • FernandoPessoa
  • Hayek
  • SaintAugustine
  • Fluency in French: My One Year Journey from Scratch to B2
  • LeHorla
  • História da Ciência da Computação
  • VidaDeRicoSemPatrimonio
  • MarcusAureliusMeditations
  • ApaixonadosPelaBíblia 2023 2024
  • Philosophy
  • Contos em Português
  • Auerbach1946Mimesis
  • Marcelo Gleiser - A Dança do Universo
  • Reading
  • Voltaire1758CândidoOuOtimismo
  • TolkienTheFellowshipOfTheRing
  • Odisseia - Homero
  • Tomm Holland - Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind
  • EducaçãoFinanceira
  • West
  • EducaçãoFinanceiraParaAutonomos
  • Seneca
  • A Mind for Numbers
  • A Short History Of Nearly Everything
  • Alfred Tennyson
  • Antibiblioteca
  • BanquetePlatao
  • Bayes
  • Behavioural Economics
  • Bernstein 2004 - The Birth Of Plenty
  • Bioinformatics
  • Black Hole Blues
  • Black Swan
  • Blueprint - The Evolutionary Origins of a Good Society
  • Books
  • Books Recomendations
  • Carroll2016TheBigPicture
  • Caso Prevent Senior
  • COP26
  • Covid-19
  • Covid-19 - Curas falsas
  • Crédito de Carbono
  • Dados sobre Leitura, Bibliotecas e Livros
  • Dangers of Social Media
  • Data Science
  • DocumentDB
  • EducaçãoFinanceiraParaDesenvolvedores
  • Edward Gibbon - 1776 A História do Declínio e Queda do Império Romano
  • Even a broken clock is right twice a day
  • Feed
  • Firefighting - The Financial Crisis and it's Lessons
  • Fragments of Ideas
  • Friendship
  • Gödel
  • História de uma Vacina
  • How Not to Be Wrong - The Power of Mathematical Thinking
  • How to Make a Vaccine - An Essential Guide for COVID-19 and Beyond
  • Icons
  • Iliad
  • IntroducaoGrandeConversa
  • John Rawls
  • Kinch2018BetweenHopeAndFear
  • Love
  • Machine Learning - Aplicações na Saúde
  • MessageBroker
  • MoneyAsASocialConstruct
  • Montaigne1595Ensaios
  • NFT
  • No Code
  • O Anel de Giges: uma fantasia ética - Eduardo Giannetti, 2020
  • O Gene - Uma história íntima
  • Odyssey
  • Ovid
  • Philoctetes
  • Piketty - O Capital no Século XXI
  • Pinker2018EnlightementNow
  • Platão
  • R para Cientistas Sociais
  • Radical Uncertainty - Decision-making for an unknowable future
  • RCT
  • Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
  • Risk Savvy
  • Rutherford 2017 - A Brief History Of Everyone Who Ever Lived
  • Sandel2008Justiça
  • Self Education Plan
  • Statistics
  • Stoicism
  • Storytelling
  • Study Plan for 2022
  • Study Plan for 2023
  • Summarize the Canon
  • Superforecasting
  • The Bed of Procrustes - Taleb(2010)
  • The Infinite Game
  • The Information - A History, a Theory, a Flood
  • Ultra-aprendizado
  • Vaccines
  • Web 3
  • WebCrawler
  • Webdesign
  • Website Templates
  • Write first draft
  • Writing