vaccines biology medicine covid19 bioinformatics
- I should have loved biology
- Bioinformatics Algorithms - an introduction
- Reverse Engineering the source code of the BioNTech/Pfizer SARS-CoV-2 Vaccine
- Genome Sequencing and Covid-19: How Scientists Are Tracking the Virus - The New York Times
- Ψ in RNA Vaccine - Twitter Thread (PT-BR)
- Conheça a Dra. Katalin Karikó, a cientista que desenvolveu a técnica da vacina de RNAm para a COVID-19
- Twitter Thread on Israel Vaccination
- A Vida é um copia e cola
- The tangled history of mRNA vaccines
- Prevention of host-to-host transmission by SARS-CoV-2 vaccines
- Rhodes2020HowToMakeAVaccine
- SueAnnCostaClemens2021HistoriaDeUmaVacina
- ZyCoV-D - DNA Vaccine
- WHO - Covid-19 Vaccines Explained
- UFRJ - Especial Vacinas
- O que esperar da próxima geração de vacinas de Covid-19 - Twitter